Lauren, Producer Benjamin Beck Lauren, Producer Benjamin Beck

Kristina Reeher

Kris is taking the GACT stage as an actor, after several year’s break. 

Kris is taking the GACT stage as an actor, after several year’s break.  Being on stage is one of Kris’s most treasured pastimes, a lifelong passion.  Kris’s favorite roles with GACT include; Annelle (Steel Magnolias), Glinda (Wizard of Oz) and Janet (Drowsy Chaperone).  Kris also loved her time directing the amazing GACT cast/crew in Company, several years ago.

Thank you to Maria for the opportunity to play pretend with my friends again, to GACT cast and crew for always feeling like home, and to my family for the support and encouragement.  Break a Leg Nerds!

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