GACT Auditions

Auditions to be held by appointment on:

Thursday, May 2nd (4pm-9pm)
Saturday, May 4th (9am - 12pm)

CALL (724) 301-7831
for a 10 minute audition time slot.

↓  More information below ↓


Auditions will be held at the William A. Robinson Theater at Thiel College. Please call to book a 10 minute audition slot (724) 301-7831.

No prep necessary. Plan to sing through a song or two from the show as well as a cold reading. Please arrive early for your audition to fill out an audition form before your 10 minute slot.

William A. Robinson Theater
Thiel College
75 College Avenue
Greenville, PA 16125


Cast Announcement


GACT + GSO = Winter Performance Extravaganza!