Lauren, Producer Benjamin Beck Lauren, Producer Benjamin Beck

Kristina Reeher

Kris is taking the GACT stage as an actor, after several year’s break. 

Kris is taking the GACT stage as an actor, after several year’s break.  Being on stage is one of Kris’s most treasured pastimes, a lifelong passion.  Kris’s favorite roles with GACT include; Annelle (Steel Magnolias), Glinda (Wizard of Oz) and Janet (Drowsy Chaperone).  Kris also loved her time directing the amazing GACT cast/crew in Company, several years ago.

Thank you to Maria for the opportunity to play pretend with my friends again, to GACT cast and crew for always feeling like home, and to my family for the support and encouragement.  Break a Leg Nerds!

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Daniel, Pat Benjamin Beck Daniel, Pat Benjamin Beck

Paul Miller

1965 grad of Commodore Perry, BA from Thiel in 1969, MA from Slippery Rock in 1975.

Paul is a 1965 grad of Commodore Perry, BA from Thiel in 1969, MA from Slippery Rock in 1975. He taught English for 37 years, the last 36 at GHS. Among other things, Paul was a theater director at Greenville for 26 years, ran the High School Shakespeare Festival for the last 23 years. He retired in June of 2006. Paul completed the National Stage Combat Workshop in the summer of 2001, directed theater and taught one section of Stage Combat at Thiel in the 2020-21 school year. He has been involved in GACT since January of 1981 and has appeared in nearly 50 GACT productions. Most recent shows are Fully Committed in 2021, Company in 2022, and Noises Off in 2023. He currently works with Thiel theater when needed, usually in stage combat.

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Henry Benjamin Beck Henry Benjamin Beck

Ray Richardson

Ray is returning to GACT this year and is very grateful for Maria’s direction as well as the support of his family.

Ray is returning to GACT this year and is very grateful for Maria’s direction as well as the support of his family. Previously Ray has been in Once Upon a Mattress, You Can’t Take It With You, Ten Nights in a Barroom, and the female Odd Couple. Break a leg cast and crew!

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Palmer, Miles Benjamin Beck Palmer, Miles Benjamin Beck

Raymond Yurko

After several years away from GACT I have returned to take a "flight" in Airport Encounters.

After several years away from GACT I have returned to take a "flight" in Airport Encounters. This has been a joy to do, with a cast that is amazing. While serving in the Army I auditioned for the Army Soldier Show in 1996, where we sang and danced for the troops in US and European commands.

In 2017 I  started stage theater with GACT for "Blame it on the Movies!", with Maria Ackley directing. followed by "Annie" in 2018, "How to Succeed in Business..." In 2019. I have also performed for the Hermitage Global Methodist Church Dinner Theater since 2017. Thank you all for supporting community theater and a big thank you to my friends and family in supporting me in what I truly love doing.

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Annie, Gwen, Jane Benjamin Beck Annie, Gwen, Jane Benjamin Beck

Susan Swartzbeck

Susan joined GACT in the late 1990’s (thanks for the invite, Barbara), and has enjoyed all her time with this group since then, whether on stage, backstage, props, or set prep, and many years as secretary for the GACT Board

Susan joined GACT in the late 1990’s (thanks for the invite, Barbara), and has enjoyed all her time with this group since then, whether on stage, backstage, props, or set prep, and many years as secretary for the GACT Board. She’s also enjoyed involvement with the Hickory Methodist Church drama group. She thanks her patient spouse, Wayne, and her family for all their love and support through the years.  Thanks to Maria for her direction in this fun show!

Cast: Break a leg!   Audience guests: Pack your bags for a wonderful flight to GACT-land!!

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Rick Benjamin Beck Rick Benjamin Beck

Trey Wilt

Trey has been doing theater for 16 years and has participated in over 30 productions.

Trey has been doing theater for 16 years and has participated in over 30 productions. This is his 5th GACT show. He performed at Greenville High School, and went on to act with the Thiel Players. At Thiel he also directed his own show. He is a member of the International Thespian Society and Alpha Psi Omega.

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