Annie, Gwen, Jane Benjamin Beck Annie, Gwen, Jane Benjamin Beck

Susan Swartzbeck

Susan joined GACT in the late 1990’s (thanks for the invite, Barbara), and has enjoyed all her time with this group since then, whether on stage, backstage, props, or set prep, and many years as secretary for the GACT Board

Susan joined GACT in the late 1990’s (thanks for the invite, Barbara), and has enjoyed all her time with this group since then, whether on stage, backstage, props, or set prep, and many years as secretary for the GACT Board. She’s also enjoyed involvement with the Hickory Methodist Church drama group. She thanks her patient spouse, Wayne, and her family for all their love and support through the years.  Thanks to Maria for her direction in this fun show!

Cast: Break a leg!   Audience guests: Pack your bags for a wonderful flight to GACT-land!!

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